considering a copperband butterflyfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 31, 2003
Hi everyone,

I'm considering a copperband butterflyfish for my 50g (currently inhabited by a medium sized blue tang and a small ocellaris clown). I just need to know if it would fit in with no problems in my tank and if it would possibly bother my starfish (a fromia) or my cleaner shrimps (debelius).

Thanks for your input
Because of their bad survival record and the fish you already have I would say no smaller than 75 gallon and some people may say you still need to go bigger. But I would really rethink the copper banded butterfly just because they are difficult to keep. sorry for the disappointment.
I recently asked a similar question. Reef Lady was kind enough to give the heads up on these very pretty fish. She told me that they are sensitive creatures and can be difficult to care for. But, that my best shot at getting a healthy one was to get an Australian Copperband from Otherwise they will likely have been caught with cyanide and will not make it long in your tank no matter how hard you try. I cant comment on if it will get along with your fish as I dont have one, but I sure someone with more experience will come along and help you out there.
IMHO you may have to think about what to do with the Tang as it will likely need more room then a 50 gal. Unless of course you have other plans already. :D
I had 2 die, one was killed by a porcupine puffer 1/2 his size and the other didn't eat for 10 days after I got him, tried feeding him everything possible :(
The CB butterfly is not my favorite fish either. I kept a big specimen in a 30gal hex for years until I sold the tank, and haven't been able to keep them since. Then again, I typically hate butterflys with the exception of the longnose which seems the hardiest of the lot.

The CB butterfly needs to be treated like an angel fish. Only use established tanks 50gal or larger, your PH must be stable, very low nitrates, and the specimens you buy must be eating and active. I woulnd't touch a butterfly unless it's been sitting at th LFS for a coupe of weeks and eating like a pig.
I had one, he ate all the time, but he also liked to pick at all my snails and crabs so much that he pretty much shut down my invert janitors and they were not getting their job done.

So mr. picky went back to LFS after some tome, but I didn't have any problems caring for it other than that.
Same problem with my copperband as well. Nipped at all my inverts till they sat in their shells and refused to move.
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