Converting a 20 gallon freshwater tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 26, 2009
I am moving this summer at which point I would like to convert my 20 gallon tank to saltwater. I know that this is a very small saltwater set-up but it's all I have for now! I have been keeping a few small tropical, freshwater tanks for years so I have the basics of fish keeping down. I think I am ready to enjoy a saltwater system. I am completely lost, however.

It would help a great deal if I could get a detailed list of the equipment I will need. Naturally, I have a tank, lid, heater, and filter. I know I will need a hydrometer, live rock, and live sand, but I am confused about the powerheads. How many will I need for a 20 gallon? Do I have to position them a certain way?

Would I be able to keep 1-2 small, peaceful fish in such a small tank or should I just keep one? How many crabs and sea stars could I put in a tank this size? Are there any other interesting life forms I should consider?

Thanks in advance for your advice! I would like to educate myself as much as possible before the conversion three months from now.
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