Convict's First Go at a Planted Tank

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Yeah right you are using an iPhone 5 to snap those pics! They look incredible! Sure, you use photobucket to host the images, but I just can't get my photos to look that good! Any tips? Maybe it's because my tank has a curved front glass, but I don't think it should make that much of a difference!
Yeah right you are using an iPhone 5 to snap those pics! They look incredible! Sure, you use photobucket to host the images, but I just can't get my photos to look that good! Any tips? Maybe it's because my tank has a curved front glass, but I don't think it should make that much of a difference!

I swear! iPhone5 that's it. I'm amazed myself.
First time trimming....







Here's my wife's banana plant. This thing is taking off!! Three leaves coming through the driftwood. Pretty cool looking


That will help thicken up your groupings of plants. Just remember you want to trim from short to tall in a planted tank so you have different heights from low to high which shows off all the plants. If the plants are all the same height you couldn't appreciate them. I see some are also coloring up again. Your doing good!
That will help thicken up your groupings of plants. Just remember you want to trim from short to tall in a planted tank so you have different heights from low to high which shows off all the plants. If the plants are all the same height you couldn't appreciate them. I see some are also coloring up again. Your doing good!

Thanks Janis!! Can I tell you the truth? I drank a bottle of Gatorade and I was sweating!! lol you would think I was performing surgery.

Looks fantastic !

Thank you :)
Thanks Janis!! Can I tell you the truth? I drank a bottle of Gatorade and I was sweating!! lol you would think I was performing surgery.

But you did it!!! It really isn't that hard was it? Did you find planting the trimming easier this time? It will all get easier and easier as time passes and then you'll wonder why you ever sweated about any of it... lol!
But you did it!!! It really isn't that hard was it? Did you find planting the trimming easier this time? It will all get easier and easier as time passes and then you'll wonder why you ever sweated about any of it... lol!

Trimming was ALOT easier and actually fun but guess what?!? FLOATER lol!! Jeta sent me anchors so I used them as directed :)

Now for ground cover..... That's my next mission.
Trimming was ALOT easier and actually fun but guess what?!? FLOATER lol!! Jeta sent me anchors so I used them as directed :)

Now for ground cover..... That's my next mission.

The time will come that you won't need anchors. You just have to get the hang of it! I did planting today so we'll see if I have any floaters. Although in my tank I have alot of help from the angels and loaches tho.
Oh I forgot, I had a question. How/when do I trim the moss on the wood?

It started growing upward so I wrapped it around the wood more and tied it down more. Now it opened that area up more.
The time will come that you won't need anchors. You just have to get the hang of it! I did planting today so we'll see if I have any floaters. Although in my tank I have alot of help from the angels and loaches tho.

Yea but this time it was all tweezers :) which made me happy :)
Oh I forgot, I had a question. How/when do I trim the moss on the wood?

It started growing upward so I wrapped it around the wood more and tied it down more. Now it opened that area up more.

That was the best thing to do to because it's going to take alot longer for it to really attach. Once it does it will creep and begin to drap nicely. When you get too much all you have to do is gently tug off bunches. No cutting involved.
That was the best thing to do to because it's going to take alot longer for it to really attach. Once it does it will creep and begin to drap nicely. When you get too much all you have to do is gently tug off bunches. No cutting involved.

Ok cool! Thanks again!
Man this thread is turning into a textbook/novel. You did a good job on trimming. And I feel ya on the sweating about half way through planting my 20 last night I got really hot. I couldn't imagine doing a 220 that's gotta take some patience. LoL (y)
Man this thread is turning into a textbook/novel. You did a good job on trimming. And I feel ya on the sweating about half way through planting my 20 last night I got really hot. I couldn't imagine doing a 220 that's gotta take some patience. LoL (y)

Yeah lol. Janis has the patience of a saint to be dealing with my OCD Bi-polar self lol. She's always sweet and answers all my emails and questions. She's a great person to have on your side!! I'm thankful for her...
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