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Dojo loaches tend to prefer lower temperatures. These fish are not exactly the prettiest ones out there, but they definitely have a great personality (like dogs almost).
Goldfish are coldwater, but they're messy fish that need space, and depending on your living conditions, a chiller (which I haven't found to be needed in most cases). That said, they have a lot of personality, and have ended up a favourite.

It's more or less also worth noting that depending on the fish you have, the size of tank you have, and the temperature around the tank, there are several occasions in which you don't need a heater, or only need one at night. Lighting also affects this. It's a good idea to buy a thermometer if you're getting a heater or not, and see what kind of tank temp you'll have without one.

You can check out fish and what temperatures they need at

That should at least give you a few good ideas.
What about bettas? Even the LFS I trust most has them in unheated containers. I'm talking about 68 +/- degree water in this case.
Have you considered some native fish from your area?? You've got some great fish in North Carolina including some really pretty darters and sunfish.
Although bettas are sold at room temp fish, they really benefit from heat. An t-iasg keeps hers around 80F and mine are in with tropical community fish around 78F.

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