coolies and mosquitos

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 4, 2013
south florida
I am going to get 3 coolie loaches in my 10 gallon after my move and i have 5-8 baby mosquitofish that I'm going to breed and i was wondering if there were any fish that have a very small mouth that are compatible with thos two in a 10 gallon.
Well, first off no coolie/ kuhli loaches, they need a 20 gallon long footprint, you can do the mosquito fish, a group if pigmy cories, and a honey gourami and call it a game
Well over 10,000 people probably do because of carnivals and stuff.
Yea that's better with that you can add a honey gourami and another school of small tetras such as neons or glow lights, also harlequin rasboras
Kuhli not coolie

But yes, gouramis, tetras, barbs, swordtails, PEACOCK GUDGEON <---awesome little fish and even some German blue ram cichlids. However the rams are challenging to keep an require some attention.
I honestly don't know what a mosquito fish even is. Looks like a guppy but unless they're smaller than .5 inches they'll be fine.
I caught mine in lake mongomry in lake city florida so fare ive breed them once bye the time i get the harluquins they will be 1" long the babies are born about 1/4 an inch long and are very active.
Don't know, with plenty of hiding places some might survive, or you can get a separate tank for fry, if you want to breed, I would keep it a species only tank
It's unlikely the fry would survive with even the mosquito fish alone. Livebearers almost always eat their fry.
Would just put them in a pond but my family is.going to rent.and the house we want has a small yard and my little brother is autistc and my mom wount let me because she's scared theres going snake hiding in it so i may just get a little fountain and add a water pump.with a filter.
So.many.periods.i.stopped.reading.everytime.i. Oh never mind you fixed it.
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