Coral acclimation

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 8, 2013
Grand Island, NE
I just received my first corals from buying online today. I did a 4 hour drip acclimation and now have all frags on the sandbed. Question is how long do these guys take to open up? Their all closed up pretty tight still.
Holy crud a 4 hour acclimation?!?! They should take a couple hours to fully open. What did ya get?

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Yeah they came in around lunch so I set them up in my acclimation bucket and let them slow drip until 5 when I came home. I got some riddler and spiderman zoas, pipe organ polyps, pulsing zenia and a monti cap. Just concerned nobody is really opening up yet
Have they opened at all? That's a long time to drip, did their water get to cold. All of those are fairly hardy do they should come around at some point.

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They didn't get cold I have a small heater I put in the bucket with them. Temp held fine
I wouldn't worry too much. Like bribo said they are all pretty hardy corals and should come around in a few days.

However, I would be careful where you put the pulsing xenia as it could quickly overtake your tank. Make sure you put it on a rock that's relatively isolated so it can't spread all over the tank.
some corals can take a day up to a week
I never acclimate corals just a dip and there in the tank, I been doing this for years,
now with light I do start out with the blues slowly raising the brightness than do the same with the whites , just placing corals in full light will only slow up them opening always light acclimate
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