Coral Beauty - Fin Rot

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 20, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Well, my brand new Coral Beauty from Live Aquaria passed away known factor (not known of this was the cause), is Fin Rot.


After temp and drip acclimating yesterday afternoon, the CB seemed fine upon entering quarantine (20Gal Long). He was breathing fairly rapidly which left me concerned despite knowing the stress that accompanied the shipping process. This morning I noticed a few holes in his tail and began my research. I notified Live Aquaria so they could document the situation on my order file.

My quarantine water was pristine. Fresh Salt Water with 0ppm across the board, ph of 8.1 and salinity of 1.033. I also do not have carbon running in the Quarantine filter nor in my second quarantine tank or display tank.

Live Aquaria rep mentioned this morning that this CB most likely had this issue prior to shipping but had not shown signs; "it didn't just happen overnight."

LA has been nothing short of amazing and I definitely loom forward to the future with them as they have credited my file already and will cover shipping on my replacement order.

On a side note, a few questions I am pondering. The CB I ordered was a larger specimen (3-4"). When and if I do replace the CB from LA, would it be beneficial in the longterm to order a smaller CB versus a larger one?

Secondly, the Midas Blenny I also received is still alive and breathing however he continues to camp out in the bottom corner of the QT. He also still appears to be stressed as his coloration has not completely restored; back half a light yellow and front half spotty (darker coloration). How long will it take for the MB to regain color form and begin eating?

Thanks for reading and hope to spark a conversation!
I'm sorry for your loss. I've notices that the salinity is pretty high. It should be 1.023-1.026, for an ideal salinity. Also, the size of the fish is your decision. I always prefer to get a fish as small as possible because I want it to live as long as possible.
Sorry about your beauty, it was a lovely fish. :-(

Is that salinity correct? Cause thats awful high....I would double check that and take appropriate measures to slowly lower it.

I also would want a smaller specimen next time, not too too small that they can die easier but also for the fact that you can watch it grow up and have it to enjoy for more time.
Sorry everyone, that was a typo on my end (iPhone post) 1.023 is the correct reading. I love my refractometer. Super cool gadget!
Carey/Slither, I have yet to come across any materials that state whether a younger or smaller specimen is hardier than an aged specimen. Naturally I would think this may be a fairly accurate thought but, you never know right?

Have either you seen one on one time with a Midas Blenny? We are super thrilled about him here but are concerned with his stress level and coloration...
I would think that a younger specimen would adjust to your tank easier than a fully matured fish. And no, unfortunately I haven't had a Midas blenny. They are cool fish though. I would try turning off the lights and keeping them off for some time so the fish can calm down a bit.
Yep, I love the midas and will be getting one quite soon I hope. :)

And i agree, lights off and see how he is doing in the morning. They need adjustment time. he is in a qt correct? Doe she have hiding spots like pvc pipes pieces? thats real important too.

My yellow watchman has turned from bright yellow to a pale white due to stress, I;ms till waiting for his color to come back, it;s been a couple weeks already. But he is eating and acting normally so I'm just paying a bit closer attention to him just in case.
Slither, thank you for your replies. I would agree with you. There are no lights on the qt except for minimal natural light.

Carey, correct, the Midas is in Qt. He does have 3 nice size PVC pipes. Thank you for replying Carey.

You guys are awesome as is this forum!
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