Coral Beauty Questions?????

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 6, 2008
Hello all, I have a Coral Beauty, that has been behaving different the last few days.
It has been hiding in its hole in the rock
I found it in there upside down as if sleeping on its back, also on its side, and nose down.
It has some rough looking fins, and scuffs on the side of its body just underneath its fins. Also a few pieces missing from the back fins. This fish does come out to eat and swim. It swims find and does all things normal except the wierd sleeping/hiding things.
This silly little fish has been "cuddling" up to the green emerald crab, and I believe that crab has been taking nips at it. If you can describe a fish as a lover this is the one, it began this behavior with the hermit crabs then moved onto the emerald crab. It has tried with the snail also, but apparently was unsatisfied.

My water levels are all good, temp is fine, all looks good, my clowns are all good. Nothing wrong with any other creature in there. SOOOO, do you think this little fish is just recovering from the ill treatement from the crab? Is there something else I should be aware of? Do you think I should take crab back to store, ( I am thinking hard about it as it killed my other crabs) any suggestions or advice would be great.

Also at this point I do not have a sick tank so have to work with what I have at the moment.
Does the rough areas look like the fin is eroding or are spots missing like someone jerked a spot out? Moving this to the sick fish forum.
Definately like little chunks are missing in the fins, and rub looking marks on the side of its body just underneath the fins.
As I am looking more it also looks as though his/her eyes may be cloudy, just not sure. It is now sweimming back n forth across the top of the tank coming down occasionaly then going back up. It did not eat tonight, chased after it but did not eat. Could this be fin rot? I am going to check water conditions again. But like I said all the reading have been good, so I have no idea. I will keep researching in the mean time.
I will venture to guess bacterial infection, removing to a qt, and treating with nitrofurazone. You can Search these forums for dosage :)
I do not have the option of a qt, so can I treat in same tank as other (2 clowns, invertibrates)?
If you cant QT then I would make sure of optimal water conditions by doing frequent PWC`s.
Then purchase a 5g bucket, rinse it very well, and treat with Nitrofurazone for either:
100mg/l for 30 minutes or 10mg/l for 6-12 hours (Noga). Furacyn contains nitrofurazone or you can purchase Maracyn 2 (erythromycin) and follow directions. The only other option is as Melosu said and add vitamins to your feeding (feed a variety).
Hello, thank you to all for your advice. What ever was wrong with him/her I quess Ill never know for sure as it died this morning. Well found it dead anyway. It squeezed itself into a tiny whole and couldnt get out. So I had to manipulate it to get it out of the rock. Luckily for it, it was already dead. So now back to just the clowns. Hopefully they will not have same issues. Should I do a partial water change seeing as to all this going on, or should I just let tank settle?

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