Coraline question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 1, 2004
I have been reading the recent posts on coraline growth. I too want coraline growth too. Whats weird is I have some growth sporadically like on my pumps and such but very little on anything else. I ordered some LR from and their 3 peices of rock has a lot of purple and pinks and want this to spread to the other rocks.
So with this said, Im adding VHO soon. What "chemicals" do I need as well as test kits? What brands are good too....I have Kent Calcium now but never used it as it was given to me. Let me know what all I need and where you guys have found the best products.
Well I would add a little calicum and then maybe grab a stiff brush and set your filters to low and try to scrape off some pink to your other rocks and let it sit and see what happens.
Also try this stuff.. I hear it's AWESOME !

Have you or anyone else tried this??? How long does it take to see results?
You really shouldn't need additional supliments if you use good quality salt and keeyp your water changes up.

or so I've read.
Don't add any chemicals unless you have test kits for them, including calcium.

Seeding with scrapings of coralline is a good idea, but above all else all you have to do is... wait.
I had no Coraline growth wath so ever for the first few months. I dosed calcium. They I bought a Calcium reactor. It's amazing how fast it's spreads now.

BTW Aragamilk is a great sumplement for clacium if you don't have a reactor.
Well my tank has been set up for over 1 year now and Im not going to say I dont have any, but its sparse...I want the colors on my rock that I got from to spread to my other rocks. I think i will try calcium and get me a good test kit maybe. Im not familiar with what calcium reactors do....And probably dont need to as I will end up adding this to my list!! :lol:
me too. tank is 3 mths old but no sign of coraline grow. on the contrary, green nasty algae grow over my coraline :(
corraline needs decent lichting and Ca to grow. Test Ca and add only if they are below 380. If those conditions are met, than take a brand new tooth brush and gently scrub some corraline in different spots on lr to help it spread.
You need to get test kits for Calcium and alkilinity. Test the water and if your cal is under 400 then you should add some and I like to keep my alk around 10.5.
Without these addidtives IMO it will not spread. I add B-ionic 2 part system and it has worked wonders for my 125 reef and I have added some to my 55 fowlr just to get it started and it is all over the LR in that tank also not so much on the glass which is fine for me in my fowlr. I check my 55 every few months and add some alk if needed because I use ocieanic salt ant the cal levels are high so no need to add that. I dose alk to my 125 daily to keep it growing and the corals use it also. Lighting IMO is not that big of an issue seeing as I only have 80 watts NO light on my 55. good luck...
Well Im glad I dont have the algea probably...maybe I shouldnt complain about having very little coraline growth then....could be worse!!

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