coralline algae

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 5, 2004
What are the best ways to promote coralline algae growth in my tank. Anybody knows like water temp, saltinity, calcium, you know that kinda stuff. By the way for anyone following my tank crash, someone from kent marine is supposed to be calling me so we can talk about some thinks but ill let ya know what happens.
I had read that you can seed your tank with coralline. Supposedly you turn off your water movement/filters then take a piece for coralline covered rock and shave off the coralline and scatter it throughout the tank. Wait for it to settle in the other rocks and substrate the turn on everything again. This is just what I've read.
In addition to what electrikat said, maintain your CA between 350-450 and your ALK 8-12 dKH. It will grow better in lower light. The addition of calcium polygluconate (Seachem Reef Calcium) supposed to be great for increasing your coralline growth.
well i read that you take a rock and remove some with a rrazer near a ph and let it go all over the tank. also it like more of the 03 then the 10k light.
My coraline seemed to take off after I got my phosphates down below 0.1ppm... Calcium 450ish.... Alkinity 8-9dkh...
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