Coralline Growth

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 5, 2004

I recently have been noticing a big growth of white spots on my rock. They did not seem,(at least to me) to be in places where I had purple coralline growth. Is my coralline dieing? I am supplementing Ca into my water on weekly water changes. Here are some pics.
I have no clue wich I knew though, kinda lloks like some sort of growth though
Have you upgraded your lights or changed your bulbs recently? Corallines will sometimes bleach out if lighting is suddenly increased.
Corallines will sometimes bleach out if lighting is suddenly increased.

This true, when I upgrade from 2 175 wat MH to 3 250 watt MH I had experienced about the same thing you have there but not as bad. The Coraline algae grew back and it took a couple of months to get it all back, but it did come back. I didn't acclimate my tank to the new lighting, I just installed the bulbs and blasted them with 400 more watts. Not too good an idea.

Sparky, that is probably what happened. I recently read up on some reef sites, and turned off most of the white light during the cycle of the day. I set it to mainly be blue light and the reaminder be white light. Just installed teh lights about 1.5 weeks ago so that is most likely the culprit.

I've since noticed some green growth on the white spots, so I think the Coralline algae is on the rebound?
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