Cories vs. Kuhli Loach - which is the better cleanup crew ??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 27, 2005
I am looking for a bottom feeder for my 30 gallon.

which is better at: stiring up the sand, eating crumbs, hiding in caves etc..

a school of cories (6 cories)
a school of kuhli loaches (3 kuhli loaches)
the kuhi loaches are really good, as they sift sand through their gills, the cores dig their noses in the sand about 1/6th of a inch deep, id go with 3 cories and 1 loach if you ask me IMHO
I'd go with the cory's get about 6 of them and they will be awesome they are entertaing little guys. The reason I'm saying this is because no offense to anyone who has khuli's but they hide alot more than cory's and you wouldn't see them as much. Just my opinion
Hope This Helps and Good Luck :D
I heard when Khuli Loaches are kept in groups, they are not as shy ??

I also heard loaches are better at digging than catfish because of the shape of their mouths ??

are these true?
If the tank is big enough--get a school of each! I have (at last count) 10+ khulis in my 50 with some cories and plecos. Extra food is unheard of my that tank! Loaches of all sorts enjoy company of each other.
Menagerie said:
If the tank is big enough--get a school of each! I have (at last count) 10+ khulis in my 50 with some cories and plecos. Extra food is unheard of my that tank! Loaches of all sorts enjoy company of each other.

Wow how big is that tank?

(Sorry for thread jacking)
PsiPro said:
Menagerie said:
If the tank is big enough--get a school of each! I have (at last count) 10+ khulis in my 50 with some cories and plecos. Extra food is unheard of my that tank! Loaches of all sorts enjoy company of each other.

Wow how big is that tank?

(Sorry for thread jacking)

i think she said 50 gallons.
I personally like kuhlis a lot more. They are very active when they get used to your tank and will constanly eat leftover food. And yes sometimes the huddle up but they usually burrow under the gravel or sand before they do this. When you first get it if you put it in a tank with only gravel and no hiding places itll swimm back and forth really fast searching for a place to hide and if it cant itll divebomb the gravel.

I prefer them over chorys because well i think hte yre cool and they also wont attack any of your fish. While chorys will sometimes. When i had one it attacked my african knifefish.

Kuhlis clean a lot better and will make sure its all gone, but really i guess it mainly about which one you like better and what type of fish and tank you have.
Would kuhli loaches survive in my tank with my large cichlids? I'm thinking about getting some. What are some loaches that would live in my tank? How many could I have?

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