Cory acting really strange

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 20, 2003
This is the second time my cory has done this. What he does it goes head first into one of my hairgrass plastic plants. He stays there for like a day and then I see a tail wiggle in the plant and reach in the tank to pull him out of the plant because I think he's dead or sick. After I pulled him out he kind of just floated there then he rested on the bottom and swam off. Does anyone know why he is acting like this? He's the only cory in the tank. Water parameters are temp is 74, 0ppm ammonia and nitrite and nitrates are around 20-30 ppm. I do 30% water changes once a week. Is my cory sick? Is there something I should look for? TIA.
Do they have any physical signs of disease or damage? Do they act crazy like that when they see you approach the tank?

I have 2 bronze cory's along with 4 peppered and I have noticed that my bronze one's are pretty skittish. They will run for cover most of the times, while my peppered one's ignore me.

And yes, they are better in groups. IMO, they feel more secure and are more active if you have at least 3 or more. But I don't recommend you do that in your 10 gallon.
Is it possible he's getting stuck? He may not be able to swim all the way through the plant, and maybe the fin spines get caught on the plastic fronds, and he can't back out.
I could be wrong, but I would assume that barbel length is a good indication of overall health. How low long are your cat's whiskers?

I have three spotted corys. They all used to have long barbels and would always swim together. Then the smallest one started putting his nose in the corner most of the time and didn't hang with his buddies. At about this time, I noticed his barbels were shorter than they used to be. I'm guessing that his health is failing. Maybe the same thing has happened to your cory.
I suggest some friends......I'd also caution that he may not be sick. When I switched my substrate to sand, my cories would bury down in it with just the tail sticking out. After a while, the novelty wore off and they don't do that anymore..... He could just be curious about what's in there (or after some food that's fallen down inside the plant base) and then he ends up stuck there! I wish I could be more help!
I bet what is going on is that because he is the only cory in the tank, he is heading for the grass for cover because he doesn't feel comfortable. Then, he is probably getting stuck in there. I suggest getting him some friends, make some new hiding spots and take out that fake grass and replacing it with either real plants/grass or caves. HTH!
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