Could I add a kribensis?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 28, 2011
I have a 10 gallon with a ruby barb (dominate male with very long fins, black tips), cherry barb, zebra danio, and dalmation sailfin molly. All about 2 inches, give or take. I do 25% weekly water changes.

I have had bad luck with fish personalities. I had a very aggressive pearl gourami and a wimpy male betta. Betta is back in his own space (he is just not a community guy) and the gourami got donated back to LFS.

The current four fish seem pretty happy and active. Now that the gourami and betta are out I would love to get a krib, but I know it is hit or miss with the personality. Are females better than males for aggression? If my chances are more than 50/50 I want to try it.
BTW - I never had all six of these fish in the tank at the same time. Too much, I know. Also, trying to decide if going to 5 fish in the 10 gallon would be too much.
Don't think so...first problem is you have 3 schooling fishes all by themselves. Second, kribs hit 3 to 4 inches--that's on the big side for a ten gallon.
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