Could someone help me identify my assorted African cichlids?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 4, 2013
Could someone help me identify my assorted African cichlids? I've attached photos.

The first three (yellow, light blue, and dark/light blue stripped) get along fine.

The orange one I just added and he had been bullied into shock! Had to isolate him because he was floating upside down in a corner he was so stressed.

The one vertical stays like that most the time. He is dark blue with orange fins. I don't think he likes the other three, but he does ok.


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The yellow looks like a kenyi, the light blue is a cobalt zebra, the striped one looks like a johani, the red might be a red zebra female, that would explain why it was bullied. I'm not sure about the last one...
The yellow looks like a kenyi, the light blue is a cobalt zebra, the striped one looks like a johani, the red might be a red zebra female, that would explain why it was bullied. I'm not sure about the last one...

Thank Max! Why would they bully a female?
When you keep Africans you either want to have an all male tank or a very high female to male ratio. This is because mbuna are hyper aggressive compared to other fish and ifyou have say 3 males to one female she will be so harassed that it could lead to death. If you do not do an all male tank it is important to have about 5-6 females per male. I would talk to one of the more experienced aquarists on the forum since I am fairly new myself. They're awesome fish but it can take a while to get used to their special needs. Researching will help save a lot of mistakes in the long run. Hope I could help.
Yea that last one looks like my red top trewavasae with that weird snout
Anyone know if there is any reason all of these cichlids should not be kept together?
Are those all of the cichlids in the aquarium?

What is the volume of the aquarium.

For the most part, compatibility-wise all mbuna species are compatible with each other.

Incorrect gender ratio's, tank population, tank size, etc, can adversely affect compatibility regardless of what species are kept.
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