Couple Random Questions..

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 7, 2007
Ellsworth AFB,SD
Didn't wanna attach this to my aquarium journal they are sort of off topic, and random

1) My LFS has these plants in their aquariums they look like tiny tiny clovers with a single little root maybe 1/4" in length and they float (some attach to the gravel and decor though) what are these, would you recommend them?

2) I already laid the gravel in my tank, if I decide to put a few rooted plants in there it would require me tearing the gravel out and putting some sort of plant substrate at least below it correct?

3) Can I have something that has hot glue in my tank? Like say one of my pieces of decor broke and I dabbed a little hot glue on it? (as long as its well dry?)

4) and finally I have some plastic columns in my tank, I wanted to dremmel some symbols on them and then fill the lines in with paint, what kind of paint is safe (and of course ill ensure its well dry) for the fish/tank? would regular model car paint work? anything non-toxic?

1) Your best bet would be to ask this in the Planted Forum. It will get the attention that it needs.

2) No, gravel is fine, depending on what you want to keep.

3) I would assume that it would be fine.
I am not sure on the plant. Could be one of several.

The regular gravel is fine for most planting.

Hot glue is non-toxic so it is not a concern.

I am not sure on the paint.
black hills tj said:
hey LFS do you mean fish here in the mall?

i'm located in rapid city as well :)

FINALLY somebody else in this dump =) yeah i mean sad excuse of a pet store in the mall, what side of town do you live on? (pm me) duckweed eh? hmm
I've found that Fish Here in the mall has a lot of tanks to choose from, but the family that runs it are the biggest pains in the butt to work with. The people at Trish's Fishes on 8th are just as much of a pain. I go to Pet Paradise in Baken Park and Black Hills Angels out in Blackhawk. BH Angels is run by one lady, but damn does she know her stuff. Pet Paradise has a few kids working there that don't know anything about what they are selling, but there is an older lady that works there that is awesome. Also, the Lady I mentioned from Pet Paradise orders her fish on Tuesday's. If you are looking for something particular ask her and she'll order it for you :)
while hot glue is non-toxic, it also doesn't seem to hold up very well long term. I did that "dab a bit on the decor to fix something that broke", but it never really held all that well. If you want a more permanent fix, silicone it (make sure you let it cure out of the water). HTH
how about gorilla glue that crap is waterproof and earthquake proof, hurricane proof, sustain nuclear blasts.. you get my point lol
yeah i once gorilla glued my friends shoes to his ceiling in his room.. all like 9 pair he had in pairs and in a neat row, and the next morning he was almost late for work because he couldn't find his shoes he had to call me and ask "dude i wasn't THAT drunk last night, what did I do with my..... wtf!! how did all my shoes get up there??... " as he was calling me he plopped on his bed and was looking up haha..

yeah.. im done.

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