Crack? Please help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 1, 2021
I can’t believe this is happening.

I had a Fluval Evo 13.5 that got chipped on the side. Saw it and totally had a panic attack (I suffer from anxiety) and immediately ran to the store to grab another one. I was super quick, rushing and freaking out. The move went flawlessly minus a few CUC casualties.

Now today while cleaning my new tank I notice this on the glass. I have no idea if its a chip, or a crack or what it is but if anyone can chime in or knows about aquarium manufacturing please tell me this isnt a chip or crack. The tank is on level ground and isnt leaking and i cant physically feel this “crack” but its freaking me out. If this is another chip I am done with the hobby and I am going to lose it because I love this tank so much and worked so hard on it.
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So I ran a pen over the area and it looks like it goes in barely the distance of the ballpoint of a this safe or what?
Looks like a silicone flaw. If it starts leaking replace it??
I think you’re right, it is the silicone. The glass pane itself is not damaged but there is a tiny sliver of silicone missing. Hilariously enough I brought the same image to my LFS and they gave me another fluva 13.5 to bring home just in case but lo and behold it looks like it has the same issue!! Look!! So my question now is a tiny sliver of silicone worthy of taking an entire tank down??
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