Craw fish with eggs what to do ?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 2, 2015
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1436899841.825196.jpg. Any advice on how to have the most babies survive, she is in a 30 gal with a bluegill (bream) and the daddy crawfish. I have a 10 gal that is empty and I can move her in there but this is my first experience with this any advice is helpful

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I have moved her to her own nursery tank today, luckily it was time for a water change so I did a bit larger change to my big tank so that all the good water from the big tank went to the nursery tank, have lots a hiding places and her fav log in new tank, hoping for he best. The blue gill was starting to pick on her and they have always been buddies and respected their own space. She seems settled already making another best

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Cover any filter intakes with a sponge pre filter or bulk filter pad. Keep good water parameters, feed Crab Cuisine she can develope some solid/good quality shell, and get all the minerals it needs.

The momma should be removed after the babies come.

Otherwise she will likely eat them.

Possibly a Cuddlebone added to the tank.
Thanks for the info, wasn't sure what to do with mom after babies hatched, I am assuming once I do not see the black eggs any more that she should be put back in her other tank? And what is a cuttlebone?

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