Crayfish and MTS's

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 29, 2012
I plan to get a new 30g tank consisting of tiger barbs, albino barbs, and a pleco or two. I also intend to spread my tank with Malaysian trumpet snails, but I also want a crayfish. Will the crayfish eat the MTS? Even if it does, will it even put a dent in the snails population?
Some crays will eat snails, when i had mine he never ate the snails. I really wouldn't put a cray with plecos though.
Hmmm, I've heard that crayfish tend to leave plecos alone. As a matter of fact, I don't know of any fish/invertebrate that would be a problem for plecos. I may be wrong though. Anyways, would tiger barbs be okay with a crayfish in their tank? They'd be able to get along right?
In terms of footprint it may not be the best idea.

Anywho... typically the rule I used was anything that was faster/larger and didn't sleep on the ground.

Typically while the fish is awake it will be fine ... as crayfish are nocturnal. I've also heard of people keeping dwarf species and everything being a-okay! :)

PS welcome to the forum
Yea, I've been contemplating, and I might just not get the crayfish. However, Bigbanker, do you think 55g for 8 barbs is sufficient space? I'd like to get maybe 12 if I can. Thanks a lot man; I've noticed your name on a lot of other threads as well, thanks for helping us beginners out!
You're more than welcome. :)

I've personally kept about fifteen or so juvenile barbs in my 55g. They did well together and were fun to watch. I'll eventually do another barb tank!
So then 12 should be okay? Also, considering that my tank will be planted, and that I'll have 12 barbs, one or two plecos, and MTS in it, how often should I change the water? Keep in mind that it's a 55 gallon tank! Thanks again mate :)

Oh and also, are shrimp (ghost, or red cherry) compatible with Tiger barbs?
I've found that tiger barbs are feisty little guys. I would not put in shrimp unless I was okay with having to regularly replace them.

Ideally you would get a pleco that is not what is called a common pleco.... something such as a bristlenose would be better suited in a 55g or a school of otos. If you get ones that have a smaller bioload and are juveniles I'd say 30% water changes a week would more than suffice.
I'm sorry, but what are Otos? And can you name a couple of plecos that are relatively smaller, such as the bristlenose? Thanks
Wow, thank you so much. Here's another question (sorry if I'm asking too many), can I have both Otos and plecos? And if I have MTS, will there be enough algae for all the bottom feeders? Also, do you think I can get away with putting a few shrimp in with my barbs? If they seem to get along, I'll put more in.
Always ask!!! I'm happy to answer what I can. If you do snails, otos, and a pleco you will definitely have to add some supplements. These can be algae wafers and blanched veggies. Also if you select a smaller snail, like an assassin, that might be better.

I'd do something cheap like ghost shrimp. They will get eaten but are easy and affordable.
Thanks a lot! Here's another one! What are some suitable tank mates for tiger barbs? I plan on getting tiger, albino, and if I can find, green barbs. I've heard cherry barbs are suitable as well; anything else? Thanks again!
Good question! That one I'm not certain on. Though they should be fine as long as everyone has at least five in the group. That should help.

If you get the barbs from a store that has a decent return policy try it and see. If you see any bullying or excess aggression remove them.
Jetstorm369 said:
Thanks a lot! Here's another one! What are some suitable tank mates for tiger barbs? I plan on getting tiger, albino, and if I can find, green barbs. I've heard cherry barbs are suitable as well; anything else? Thanks again!

I've kept tiger bards with gold and rosy barbs. If the school of tigers is large enough and you have the tank space, they should leave the other fish alone. Just be sure you have no long finned fish.
I love my Japanese Amano algae eating shrimp. Maybe someone can answer if they would be fine with Barbs, I haven't ever kept barbs. As mentioned above I also have heard they like at least a small bunch of buddies to reduce aggression.

Amano shrimp eat algae and omnivore sinking tablets too (I like Hikari brand) they'll pretty much eat anything, really, they like tank algae too. Are very fun to watch. Like water ballerinas! lol:)
My barbs were with assorted juvenile Africans and held their own....

Barbs are typically good with other barbs. Typically fish that are fast and semi aggressive do well with them. I haven't kept them with more docile species..... except neons which was a huge mistake lol

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