Crazy Lights Out Partay?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 6, 2012
I have 5 crazy zebra danios in my tank. I've had them for a few days and they're the only things in my tank. If I have the light on they will sit calmly at the top of the water and just kinda swim around. If I turn off the light they immediately sprint around and (literally) bounce off the walls. I turn it back on they calmly swim back to the top and swim around calmy. It has to effect that either a) they get hypnotized by the light and get excited when they break free or b) they think I can't see them when the light off and try to break out. What's up with them. I got them from Walmart so I bet theres something off about them!
Hi, I keep catfish and they are slow and gently during the day but become very active when the lights are out, but when I kept a community tank most shoaling fish sat on the bottom sort of sleeping. I have never kept danios so not sure if they are nocturnal?
I looked this up online coz it was interesting :) and I read that they are probably really skittish because of the stress of moving and may mistake the lights going of suddenly as a shadow from a predator or something but everyone with the same problem said they settled after a little while so you should be fine.
Lol! Its just a Danio thing. My husband and I noticed this as we use danios for dither fish. All danios do it. I think they lose track of their buddies in the dark and freak out. Its pretty funny to watch.
Oh well I thought it was hilarious :p. Sadly I will most likely donate them. All the fish I wanted would be too sensitive for the cycle... And I think zebra danios are quite ugly... :(.
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