Crushed Coral Depth

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 12, 2012
I am thinking about removing sand from tank and putting crushed coral back. My tank is always cloudy looking from so much sand in water column and keeps cover rocks so how deep should I go with crushed coral?
Crushed coral traps debris and adds to nitrate problems. Maybe your powerheads need to be adjusted to prevent the sand issues.
I have adjusted them every which way possible the sand is even on the top of the powerheads I don't mind to have to vacuum when I do my PWCs I would rather do that then always have sand all over the tank. My rocks are so covered they are white! Its ridiculous I hate the sand
Ndmartin0120 said:
I have adjusted them every which way possible the sand is even on the top of the powerheads I don't mind to have to vacuum when I do my PWCs I would rather do that then always have sand all over the tank. My rocks are so covered they are white! Its ridiculous I hate the sand

Get a larger grain sand. Some thing like pool filter sand
Where is the best place to buy it? Maybe I could just vac out an inch or so of my old sand and put that sand on top?
Ndmartin0120 said:
Where is the best place to buy it? Maybe I could just vac out an inch or so of my old sand and put that sand on top?

The smaller grain sand would make it to the top. Any pool store will have it. Or you can get petco sand.
So for sure not do the crushed coral even if only an inch or so deep and vacuum it when I do PWCs? I've seen tons of salt tanks with it and all those tanks look good
I've always had a crushed coral bed( 7 yrs,). I guess it does build up more detritus, but I vaccumed every 2 weeks, and had a decent clean up crew. I understand that crushed coral aids in buffering also because it dissolves more than sand. With good routine maint. , filtration, and skimming I've never seen a drawback to crushed coral. I do also have 30# live sand for bed of refugium.

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Crushed coral for 7 yrs.
Flreefer said:
I've always had a crushed coral bed( 7 yrs,). I guess it does build up more detritus, but I vaccumed every 2 weeks, and had a decent clean up crew. I understand that crushed coral aids in buffering also because it dissolves more than sand. With good routine maint. , filtration, and skimming I've never seen a drawback to crushed coral. I do also have 30# live sand for bed of refugium.

Crushed coral for 7 yrs.

How deep is your bed?

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