Crystal Red Shrimp Order...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 5, 2005
Saint Louis, MO
I have the opportunity to import a large quantity of Crystal Red Shrimp. I've seen pictures from the seller and the quality is very high. The shrimp will be 1/2"-3/8" in size and have very strong coloration.

I'm still working out the quantity and shipping details with the seller. It only makes sense for me to do this if I purchase a large number, otherwise the shipping costs make it too expensive per shrimp.

How many people are interested in sharing this order with me? I'm planning to handle the order, payment, and shipping myself and have the shrimp delivered to me. Then, I'll take care of quarantine and repacking in smaller lots to ship out to everyone. I'll order all the shipping materials and organize the orders.

I'm thinking we can do this for $5-$6 per shrimp + shipping. This should be a fair price to cover loses from the original shipment, packing supplies, and handling.

Please email me at and let me know how many you would like. I'm not going to do this unless a couple hundred shrimp are spoken for...which I think is a realistic number.

i saw on aquabid its like 1.50 but you got to buy 600 :(

if thats the one your talking about
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