Cutting roots too short

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 22, 2011
When I planted my 60 gallon I trimmed all the roots on the plants before I planted them, but is it possible that I may have cut the roots too short. My radican sword is growing new leaves but they're all full of holes or not even fully formed. The sand around the plant is filled with root tabs so I'm not sure why this is happening.
I've actually accidentally all but destroyed roots on swords before and they eventually recover. The leaves could be responding to the root damage because if there aren't enough roots they can't absorb much in the way of nutrients. As new healthy roots grow and begin taking up nutrients the new leaves should become properly formed and healthy again. Mine always have.
I've actually accidentally all but destroyed roots on swords before and they eventually recover. The leaves could be responding to the root damage because if there aren't enough roots they can't absorb much in the way of nutrients. As new healthy roots grow and begin taking up nutrients the new leaves should become properly formed and healthy again. Mine always have.

Same err I cut 70% of my swords roots when I moved them and they are fine they recovered surprisingly well.
If and when I cut any roots, I leave at least 1 inch, max 2 inches.
The old rule I learned years ago was to cut roots down to 2" when replanting a sword or crypt and it's always worked well for me.
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