Cycled but weird smell???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 15, 2014
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I think my tank finally cycled but now I have some odor. I added a piece of ceramic wood which I rinsed in old tank water and let it set for awhile before adding to tank. I noticed the smell the next morning. Been doing 50 % wc every 2 days. Filter was clogged but running when u came home from work it is back running again. I posted this in a different thread but was in a pre existing topic about decor so might get more help posting it separate. The smell is kind of earthy if I had to describe it.
Earthy should be all right, unless you feel it smells musty or moldy. But even then I would just add some carbon to the filter until the bad smell goes away (and then take it back out)
Cycled media does have a slight odor though it should not be overwhelming. It will smell 'earthy' (similar to freshly overturned dirt or wet ground after it rains). Perfectly normal! :)
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