Cycling and Water Test Pics

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 28, 2010
Wilmington, DE
Hello everyone,

As some of you have read I am performing a fishless cycle. I have been testing my water ever since I added I was suggested by my lfs to try some Seachem Stability which I added Saturday. Since Monday I have been getting some weird readings when I test my water.

I would test my water. And when I tested my tanks water before adding the Stability my readings were:

Ammonia 3 - 4 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 0 ppm

Since adding the Stability these are my readings: I feel these are close to what is on the chart

Ammonia 4 ppm
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 20 ppm

The Nitrate is the only test that has changed. And it is definitely in the orange range.

Here are some pictures I took. Sorry for the quality of the pics. My digital camera would not focus on the test kits.

What is happening?



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they put bacteria in the bottle. it dies ammonia nitrite and then you end up with with with a bunch of nitrates in it. dont waste any more money and if you really want to speed up your cycle ask for a handful of gravel.
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