cycling/water change

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 16, 2004
as most of u probably know, im cycling my tank and i have a little garbage in the water and on top of the water...i know that i need to do a 50% water change after my nitrites drop to 0...should i do a water change before then?
It will prolong the cycle if you do water changes at this stage.. you could always skim the surface with a cup or something if it's bothering you.
Some people say there is no need to do a water change during cycling, I did water changes during the cycle to try and save as much life as possible in the LR, I have heard this will prolong the cycle a little but thats not really a big deal. The only time I seem to notice junk on top of the water is if the flow is not enough, try and point your power heads up a little to create motion on the waters surface.
my ph are pointed towardthe surface now and i have great flow at the top of my water...i think it is just junk from my sand
I am not so sure that doing a water change will prolong the cycle. Unless you do a 100% water change, any water you leave in the tank will still contain some ammonia and nitrite. The bacteria count may be a little lower when doing water changes during the cycle than if not since there is less food for them to eat. But I don't think the cycle is extended this way at all...

With all that said, it is up to you if you want to do the change. I did water changes every few days when I cycled my tank. This was so I could keep anything that was alive on my LR when I got it *still* alive when going through the cycling process.
I agree with Biggen. If you have LR, do the water changes. The LR is not just a home for bacteria. If it is a "start from scratch" set up where no life has been introduced, water changes will not benefit anything.

You guys he only has sand in there right now, remember? :lol:
You guys he only has sand in there right now, remember?

Um, no. :oops:

I guess he can file this away for future info then. :)

If he only has sand, I wouldn't bother with the water change then until both ammonia and nitrite drop to zero.
yes, atari is correct...i have only sand and i have 30lbs of base rock on the way which i plan to add in the next couple of days...then i will add my lr after the cycle to keep it alive :)
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