Cycling with Uncured LR

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 28, 2003
Hi everyone! This is my first post here...Thanks RL for the link!

I want to cycle my tank with uncured LR, and I wanted to know your opinions on a couple of issues:

Should I use all uncured LR or a mixture (uncured & cured). Someone had mentioned to use a mix because it will cut down on the smell.

Should I do small water changes (5-10%) daily or every other day? Will this prolong the cycle?

Will I need to rotate the uncured rock around every day while it is curing in the tank? Or can I set up my aquascape right off the bat?

Do I run the skimmer during the "curing" process, or will this prolong the cycle process?

And, should I have a photoperiod in order to preserve any life on the rock, or am I asking for trouble?

Should I use all uncured LR or a mixture (uncured & cured). Someone had mentioned to use a mix because it will cut down on the smell.

I am not too sure if I would mix the cured with the uncured. The rise in ammonia may possible kill off any life on the cured live rock. The smell isn't too bad unless you put your nose right over the tank. If you are really concerned with the smell you can alwas run GAC to remove it.

Should I do small water changes (5-10%) daily or every other day? Will this prolong the cycle?

50% every other day. Check this link out:

Will I need to rotate the uncured rock around every day while it is curing in the tank? Or can I set up my aquascape right off the bat?

Don't need to touch it at all once it is set. Just make sure you have good water flow around the rock and you will be fin.

Do I run the skimmer during the "curing" process, or will this prolong the cycle process?

Crank it up!!! You will be suprised about how much gunk it will pull out of the water... Won't prolong it at all.

And, should I have a photoperiod in order to preserve any life on the rock, or am I asking for trouble?

Leave the lights off until it has cured. With all the nutrients in the water during the curing process you are asking for a major algae bloom.

Oh, btw, WELCOME!!!

Using cured rock will neither help nor hinder, it will just cost more. If you want to mix try base rock or dead rock and uncured rock.

If you want to keep as many critters as possible then I suggest changing 10% or more of the water whenever Ammonia climbs above 0.5ppm.

Contrary to popular belief this will NOT increase cycle time nor will it give you an improper cycle. It will just keep more of the animals alive.

Aquascape it as you want it right away with lots of waterflow.

Run the skimmer IMO it will not prolong the cycle but it will pull out some of the undesireable organics.

Good luck!! Uncured rock is the single best way to cycle a tank.

Welcome! Glad to see you here. I'll offer my experience/opinions on your questions -- hopefully others will elaborate further. It's been a few years since I cycled a tank.

Should I use all uncured LR or a mixture (uncured & cured). Someone had mentioned to use a mix because it will cut down on the smell.

When we set up our 75g back in Jan of '99, we cycled it with a box of uncured Fiji from Premium Aquatics. I remember reading my husband the riot act about potential *odor* in the livingroom. I don't remember there being any smell at all, and do (vaguely ;-)) remember eating crow.

Should I do small water changes (5-10%) daily or every other day? Will this prolong the cycle?

This can be a controversial topic, and IMO, goes hand in hand with the skimming & lighting issues. My take on all three is yes. Do small water changes, light the tank (reduced photo-period, maybe 4-5 hours/day total), and skim). Yes, you're going to prolong the cycle. BUT, insuring the survival of any hitchhikers, IMO, is more important than *shortening* the cycle.

Will I need to rotate the uncured rock around every day while it is curing in the tank? Or can I set up my aquascape right off the bat?

Hehehe - good luck. I don't think you'll need to 'cycle' the rock around, but I wouldn't work too hard on aquascaping up front. We found ourselves removing pieces of LR from the tank (way too often), and scrubbing nuisance sargassum, dying sponges, and other crud off it. The joys of uncured LR. BUT, in the end, we also ended up with 'shrooms, zo's, nice sponges, button polyps, etc.

Thanks for the replies and the welcome!

What do you find works the best for scrubbing off the dying "stuff". A tooth brush or will I need something larger (i.e. a bathtub type scrub brush)?

BTW, I am very impressed with this website! :D
We used a toothbrush when it was necessary. Mostly for macro that appeared - twist & rip, twist & rip ....

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