Daffodil fry!!! Help!!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 25, 2005
pei, canada
I came home from work today and my male and female daffodils were acting weird, sitting right in front of their cave and not moving from there. So i took a closer look and it was packed with fry. The tank is small, only 32 gallons, and it's packed with other cichlids, mostly assorted pseudos, but there are lots of hiding places. I don't have another tank, except my 77 gallon discus tank, what can i do to help these little guys survive?
If you can't remove the other fish besides the parents, you have to hope the parents will defend them well enough. You might consider picking up a cheap 10 gallon tank and moving in the fry and the father. (As long as the father is caring for them anyway, if he looses interest, you're best off parenting them yourself.) After the fry grow up, you'll then have a spare tank handy in case you need a QT.
If you are talking about brichardi, they will take care of their young. In fact, they are prolific breeders and the older fry help take care of the younger fry. If this is the first batch, the parents may not know exactly what to do and could lose the whole bunch. My advice is to let the parents do their thing. Since you are not ready to care for the fry, let Mother Nature take over. If at some point you want to truly breed these brichardi, you can set up their own tank, which would ensure survival.

The tank is small, only 32 gallons, and it's packed with other cichlids, mostly assorted pseudos, but there are lots of hiding places.
Are most of these juvies?
i have about 5 baby brichardi in a 29 with their dad. ive tried quite a few fish, and the only ones that have ever worked are SAE's and hatchetfish.

id be worried about the other fish... my babies are already starting to get agressive.
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