Dalmation molly, first loss

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 18, 2006
Maineville, Ohio
she didn't make it

well, as some of you may have read in my post sick fish, my molly died an hour ago. It was our first loss. My 3 year old cried so hard that it made me shudder. Thanks for all your help and advice when she was struggling, she is swimming free now, somewhere else I hope :cry:
thanks, my other fish, and ADF are sitting right where she died, it's kindof neat...would anyone know how long it should be until I add another fish to the crew? When I took her out of the tank I did a 50% water change and gravel siphon. thanks again
well, as some of you may have read in my post "sick fish", my molly died an a few hours ago. It was our first loss. My 3 year old cried so hard that it made me shudder. Thanks for all your help and advice when she was struggling, she is swimming free now, somewhere else I hope...would any of you know when you can add more fish to the tank...I did a 50%water change and gravel siphon immediatly after I took her out of the tank, this being my first loss, I have no idea why she died, possibly swim bladder disease, she had been unable to swim to the top for few days now and swimming sideways? Who knows, all the other fish seem fine, they are all swimming around where she died, it is kindof peaceful. oh well, thanks for all the support :( :cry:


  • africandwarffrog_012_114.jpg
    123.3 KB · Views: 28
I am sorry for your loss. If you parameters are good you can put a new fish in soon. I would wait a little to be sure it was nothing contagious and none of your other fish get sick.
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I'm sorry about the molly. She was very pretty. (that's a nice coral picture in the background!) I still tear up a bit when my fish die. So far I've been able to bury them in the backyard. I believe all my former fish are in the big pond in the sky!

You can probably add another fish in a week or two. Make sure the parameters are good, like Rich says, and watch the other fish to make sure they are not sick. Sometimes only one fish gets sick, and the rest aren't susceptible to it.

When I had two bettas in two different tanks (the tanks are beside each other) the bettas always had a little routine where they said "hello" in the morning. When one died, the other sat at that corner of the tank for awhile, waiting for his buddy.
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