Damaged fin, prett bad.

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 3, 2013
So I came home, and noticed this on my cyrtocara moorii. It surprised me, he is usually an aggressive swimmer, not one to get bullied. Is it a chewed on fin?


That's about as good a picture as I can get.
Someone was chewing the snot out of him, that may not grow back.

Thanks for responding. It's white around the damaged fin, he is usually a nice blue, but it looks damaged white. What should I do with him than? I know it was my nyassae, I added more fish, and he went on a rampage
Welcome to the world of keeping aggressive fish, there is nothing that can be done other than keep the water clean and remove the aggressor. I've pretty good luck with a time out, remove the aggressor and allow the power balance to shift then reintroduce him in a few days.
Welcome to the world of keeping aggressive fish, there is nothing that can be done other than keep the water clean and remove the aggressor. I've pretty good luck with a time out, remove the aggressor and allow the power balance to shift then reintroduce him in a few days.

Alright, I've thought about doing that. I keep the water very clean (clean as I can anyways). I don't have a spare tank, how would I keep him in "time out"?
There are breeder nets but I feel they are far to stressful to keep he fish isolated in the display tank for any length of time. I think the best bet will be rehome the fish. Keep in mind there will always be a alpha fish, the next one may be worse or he may be better.
I had an aggressive betta, so I put him in a net breeder cage for a few days. It helped some, but then I removed him to a small 5g I had for about two weeks. When I put him back into the larger tank, he decided he would behave himself. Maybe he sees the fish already present as part of his territory.
Just a thought, would a tank divider fit in your aquarium?
There are breeder nets but I feel they are far to stressful to keep he fish isolated in the display tank for any length of time. I think the best bet will be rehome the fish. Keep in mind there will always be a alpha fish, the next one may be worse or he may be better.

I think I'll rehome him than. This isn't just a big tantrum, showing the new guys who is boss? He has always chased a few fish around, was tolerable. But nothing like this.
Did I make a mistake, I've housed juvenile mbuna, juvenile peacock, and mature peacock. Should I house all juveniles instead? Let them grow together?
Now all around his fin is turning white, what do I do with him?

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