Danio Breeding

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Heinrich Lourens

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 19, 2013
Ellisras, South Africa
Hi all.

My sister has 3 pink Danios (Glofish probably, 1 female and 2 male) and this morning the one male was chasing the female around like crazy. My sister is 100% convinced the female is much larger than she used to be. We will keep an eye on them to see if the female gets any bigger. We can't really afford setting up a breeding tank (she has a small pleco in her tank too) but we have a fish hatchery.

Is it possible for them to spawn in that? Do we put the male and female in there as soon as she's ready to lay eggs and hope the spawn?
I saw a youtube video of a guy using a piece of a mop for them so spawn in, can we do the same thing in the hatchery? It has a devider so the eggs fall through it and the parents can't get to them.

Thanks for the help and please don't start with the "glofish are wrong" thing. You try stopping a 12 year old from getting pink fish!
Ok, time to improvise. Take a rubber made sweater box or similar container, add an airline, weighted down plastic plants or a home meade breeding mop, float that sucker in the tank with the other fish and let them spawn. Once you see the fish driving themselves into the plants or mop they are spawning. When they start hunting and pecking they are eating the spawn and need to go home. I would add a small sponge filter once the eggs are laid. You can actually start it with an air line in the community tank.
thank you! And how do I know when they are ready to spawn? How big does the female actually get before she's ready?

Zebra danios spawn in the morning as soon as the sun rises, so make sure your tank is near a window, simply pick a fat female and 1 or 2 healthy males and they will breed
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