Danios and guppies

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 19, 2012
A small village called Cleobury Mortimer in Shrops
Help? I would like to start my tank with Danios , 5 or 6, then add 5 or 6 guppies. On a compatibility chart it says they are fine together but I have also read that they should never be placed together as Danios get to the food quicker and they fin nip. Not sure what to do now, may start with Platies then guppies. Is it also true that if I brought different types of Platies or guppies that would not count as 2 lots of schols as they are different breeds even though still Platies and Guppies??? Sorry if I've confused everyone!!!?
Mitchyp said:
Help, I would like to start my tank with Danios , 5 or 6, then add 5 or 6 guppies. On a compatibility chart it says they are fine together but I have also read that they should never be placed together as Danios get to the food quicker and they fin nip. Not sure what to do now, may start with Platies then guppies. Is it also true that if I brought different types of Platies or guppies that would not count as 2 lots of schols as they are different breeds even though still Platies and Guppies??? Sorry if I've confused everyone!!!
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