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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 21, 2003
San Francisco, CA
I am looking for some more exciting fish for my tank. I have a ten gallon tropical tank with a HOB filter. I have four neon tetras, one honey gourami, 2 skunk cories and two algae eating shrimp (I think they are called amano shrimp or something). Anyhoo...I heard danios are fun and exciting to look at. Will they work with my setup and which ones are the best to keep. I also really want an african dwarf frog. Will he be ok in my tank? Will he eat the fish or shrimp? and will he cause a spike in ammonia? Thanks for the help I really depend on you guys!!

I love danios. They are fun to watch they should be kept in a school no less than 3. Now I just bought 2 dwarf frogs. One died. I had to put them in a seperate tank because the fish wouldnt let them eat. That is the draw back to the frogs and they arent that active. Mine has become more active since the last one died.....dont if that has anything to do with it or not. But to be honest I would get the fish. I'm not really good with the knowing how many to put in a 10 gallon but I am sure that someone will give you an answer. I am a newbie here. Good luck!
Might get a little crowded in there if you want to add an entire school of danios.

Seems like maybe adding a frog would be fine, although if they shrimp are smaller than the frog, they might be fair game!
Thanks for the responses! I went to the store and bought 2 cherry barbs! My LFS guy (who I think I trust) persuaded me away from the danios due to overcrowding and aggressiveness. I did buy a frog and he told me to feed the frog at night about an hour after I put out the lights so the other fish won't get his food. Maybe that will help you ADCISCO. I also bought some more red and blue shrimp. Again, my LFS guy told me the frog would not eat the shrimp. I am trusting him but after reading this site it is really hard for me to trust the LFS. I hope all goes well.

I also bought a JAVA fern. Does that need some sort of liquid plant food? Hope not because I did not buy it.
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