Dark Bolivian Ram

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 9, 2012
Raleigh, NC
Well, my bolivian ram has turned dark and stays near the floor of the tank, with it's fins kind of clamped. It's just resting there. Earlier, I saw it spazzing out on the floor of the tank. The tank is a 20 gallon high, and the params are, as of 30 minutes ago:

0-.25 ppm ammonia
0 nitrite

I haven't gotten around to testing ph or nitrate, but will do so soon and will update.

:( If it helps, I introduced 3 otos about a week ago. They went to town on all of the diatoms, and didn't show any signs of disease except for 2 things:

1 had minor fin rot, which is already pretty much gone.
Another had 2 small reddish spots, right in the middle of its belly. The others didn't have it, so I kept an eye on it and it went away already.

Anyway, the ram has been like this for maybe 2 days now.

I don't know what it is. The other tank mates are 6 bloodfin tetras, and 6 rummynose tetras. The tank finished cycling march of this year, and the ram was added in late may.

Any help would be great!

I did some research, and in all these threads there hasn't been a common conclusive result. The 2 most common things were:

Bacterial infection
Neurological problem.

Either one wouldn't make sense though, because I've had this ram for 3 months at least, so why would it just develop a neurological problem? And none of the other fish are having problems so it probably isn't bacterial.

Hmm.... It's a mystery I guess. I put him in a breeder net, and he's doing a bit better.
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