Dead Betta

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 3, 2004
Colorado USA
This morning I found my new betta dead, stuck to the water intake tube of my HOB filter. I immediately checked my water levels and there is nothing wrong with them (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate).

He died after two days. Could it be that he got stressed out from my Corys? I mean, they really are a bunch of hyperactive fish and they sure didn't mind the Betta in there. Actually, several times I saw the Betta move away from them, because the Corys have this routine of going up and down along the glass of the tank, literally not caring as to whether a Betta is hovering there or not.

Anyways, I am sad that he died. I got him two days ago and he had awesome colors.
Aww! I'm so sorry!

IME bettas wil get pulled into the currents, get tired of fighting, and eventually get stuck to intake tubes and die.
I would be suspicious it was a sick fish - 2 days you ought to be able to get a store credit.
Sorry to hear about your betta. :cry:
They are such beautiful fish.
Like Tankgirl said I would see about store credit.
What I did notice, was that he really did hang out at the 'waterfall' of the HOB a lot. He got pulled into the current and then sometimes would be tossed underwater, after which the whole process would repeat itself. But at some point he stayed away from the waterfall and hovered between my plants. He seemed fine over there.

My wife said "Perhaps he doesn't even know what current is. He has been sitting in a tiny jar in a LFS for most of his life."
Bettas really dont like strong current as they live in so called "puddles" in the wild.

It's nice to have a small filter that you can adjust the flow rate for a betta tank.
Thank you

Thank you for your feedback.

I will refrain from getting a new Betta then, because I want a reasonable amount of current in my tank for my Corys; they love the current and actually like to swim against the waterflow. That is because of their natural habitat.
I had a Red Cap Oranda Goldfish die :drain: yesterday like that. I think that they just swim to close and it grabs ahold of their tails. Realy sad. :cry:
That toilet icon is perfect for this site!
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