Dead snail

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 10, 2012
If a mystery snail dies, will You be able to smell the smell above the water? Or will the snail just smell?
I only trust the sniff test. Take the snail out of the water, stick your nose up relatively close, and you'll smell the most god awful stink you've ever encountered...... unless you're a really bad cook. :brows:
So you can only smell the snail, not above the water?
Yeah, I have to do this with my japanese trapdoor snail every now and then. He is such a sloooooooooooooooooooooooow mover, sometimes he doesn't change position for days on end. Now, I know that's his "normal". :lol:
Wow, my mystery snail just bolts up the side of the tank!
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