dead tiger barb

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 19, 2003
i have 4 sunset platys, baby platys and 4 tiger barbs. today one of my tiger barbs unexpectedly died. i have tested the water and its fine. the barb did have a yellowy green belly could this have caused the death? if so does anyone know what it is?
Hiya jon; sorry this took so long to answer - was away over the weekend.

How long was the fish dead before you found it (possibly overnite? Was alive an hour or 2 before?)? Not sure if the yellowy green belly was a cause of death or a result of putrefication...I've never heard of it before, but I also don't keep tiger barbs.
The tiger barb must only have been dead for a maximum of a couple of hours. All the other barbs seem fine and happy and the water tests has been fine. Could it just an unexplained death? all the fish have been healthy for a long time.
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