desktop 2.5gal

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Hey no problem Andrew: it all worked out.

Here's a new pic: trying to make it more pond-like. L. brevipes is gone and trimmed the Christmas moss on the wood. That's. Hydrotocyle sp. replacing the floating Aldrovanda and Uticularia sp.

I cheated and moved in some tall Ranunculus papulentus from one of my other tanks. Also added Lindernia sp that did not do well with blackout in said tank, but looks neat emergent -- hard to see, but it has this pretty purple under the leaf and will be the only non-green plant (pic from before last blackout in pictured tank). I am hoping these two will be the emergent plants on the left.
All of those inverts are dead after a vacation and heat wave July and last month. :(

A couple weeks ago I moved in Psuedomugil gertrudae. I might move them into my 8gal but they seem alright in here and the breeder approved. If I mess up again, that's it: I'm over fish and fancy inverts in here.

I am still balancing this tank. The Erect moss and HC are out and in other tanks -- I did not grow either well in here. Moved in Duckweed and Azolla and actually like the scale and how much light they block. I think I may begin dosing again.

Notice algae on moss.

P. gertrudae and Lindernia sp. Pretty pearling, but notice poor old growth. I like the tank this dark.

From the top. Hard to get a shot without light reflection.
It's nice seeing how this tank is progressing. So sorry to hear about the losses. The foreground looks a bit bare at the moment. Have you thought of trying some clover as a replacement for the HC?
Thanks. I think I'm really over inverts this time :/

I'm thinking about clover -- still holding that Marsellia sp. we chatted about emersed. As you can probably see there's some bits of HC in there while I decide, but I think I prefer it open. My lady likes the foreground with bare river rocks but it looks totally unnatural to me -- can take a pic for input. Might wrap another moss to rock and use that as a carpet. Maybe keep splitting the A. nana "petite" into a carpet.

But after pulling stuff I just find the tank more relaxed this way. A buddy tells me my tanks have a habit of becoming "too much," and he's probably right.

Keep the suggestions and ideas coming.
i am currently trying a moss carpet. its just an experiment at the moment and i dont have any real results since i juts started today but i really think it is going to turn out great. if u have lots of the erect moss i think it would make an amazing forground plant. may take some time and patience but might be worth it.
You're using Christmas and Java on the rocks? Which do you like more as a carpet?

I have four rocks of Erect moss held down with hairnets. Its pretty brown though and I think I will try to use it in a tank with more stem plants. The one I'm really tempted to try a carpet with is Weeping moss, because I think the way it piles upon itself is attractive:

Right now it is on the vertical piece of driftwood and isn't doing much, and I pick other mosses off it. In retrospect, keeping a bunch of different mosses in 2.5gals was dumb :)
wow i really like that weeping moss. i am trying both christmas and java for the carpet to see which one dose better. i think the java would look more like grass but the christmas is much thicker and i think it would look better. i will post pics tonight if i get the chance.
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