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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 6, 2003
Central IL - just 15 miles east of St. Louis, MO
I have been having a problem with this unsightly brown stuff growing in my tank(s) for as long as long as i've had it/them. for the most part, i found that by limiting the light and scraping it off whenever i see it i was able to control the growth. however, now that i have live plants, i really need to leave the lights on longer & as a result, i have a much greater growth of this stuff. i've been doing some research and am convinced that what i have here is diatoms(although i could be wrong). from my reading, it seems this is more common in saltwater tanks. i've been trying to find a high range silica test kit for freshwater tanks but haven't had any luck. i also found that in order to properly get rid of diatoms you need to get rid of the silica by using silicate removing compounds.

does anyone know where i can get these compounds and a high range silica test kit?

Hmm...my understanding of diatoms is that it's actually Higher levels of light that Kill them off, as opposed to green algae, which thrives in high light conditions.

Are you certain your stuff is diatomic?

How old is your tank? Most newly cycled tanks get a little diatomic bloom...that's usually cleared up by turning leaving the lights on longer (thats how I cleared up mine, anyway).

have you read the algae article on this site? Maybe there's something else there that better fits whats growing in your tank...
thanks, sweetsuvvyb. no, i'm not 100% certain it's diatomic ... that's why i am trying to find a high end test kit. as for my lighting, i have a 20 gal high with 65w (6,700K)pc lighting and i have my lights on for 10 hrs. each day. this tank has been up for approximately 2 months now. hmm, maybe it will clear on it's own?

ok, i'm trying to find the algae articles here....

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