different color plants?

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i have plenty of green plants, are there any red or other color plants i could add to my tank? something that is easy to care for and can add colors to my tank? all petsmart ever has are green ones.
Most red plants are fairly demanding moderate to high light plants. And even then they will turn green unless you specifically control your water levels to limit certain nutrients without actualy starving them.

Cryptocoryne pygmaea (Pygmy crypt) does have a slight tinge of red to it though. You might try that one.
Brown wendtii crypt and Bronze wendtii crypts are not green, require very little light, and are very easy to take care of. Also, as Alshain mentioned, pygmy crypts and most crypts I find, have at least some red or brown tinge to them. I find my crypts look browner when there is a lot of nitrates and more red when I starve them of nitrates. But then again, maybe I'm just seeing things.
There are many many red plant available. You probably need to get them from the internet if you do not have a local aquatic plant club.

here are a couple of my favorite Reds:

Cryptocoryn pygmaea, Echinodorus Tennelus "Red"

Alternanthera reineckii, and in the back Red Nesaea

Prosperpinaca palustris, and on the left Echinodorus "Ozelot"

a closeup of the "Mermaid Weed" P. palustris
I would also add the following plants, and second that they both need a decent amount of light to look their best (mine are in 4 wpg):

Red tiger lotus:

and Limnophila aromatica: (right of center in background)
those look great... i am going to look into these suggestions, any good recommendations on a reputable online plant site for ordering some?
How much light do you have? What size tank? You should make sure you have enough light because they won't be red without enough light.

Other plants are Ludwigia repens, arcuata, and inclinata and Rotala rotundifolia. These wouldn't do very well in low light though.

Some online sites:

I've only had experience with Aquariumplants though. :)

edit: to fix the link :)
i have 110w setup now on a 55 without co2, but i am in the process of putting together pressurized co2 and another 150w light. i am going to expand upon my plants but in the meantime want easier plants to take care of while i learn. thanx for the site info.
Does the color have to be red?

I have Asian Ambulia in both my high light and low light tank. It tends to change color throughout the day, greens, yellows, and whites, with different parts of the plant different colors at different times. It may sometimes be red or orange, I'm Red/Green colorblind. I find it interesting, and it grows very well in my 45 at about 1 WPG.
Red tiger lotus will grow in very little light. Even just "stock" aquarium lights usually work.
MarkP said:
Does the color have to be red?

nope. dont get me wrong, green is cool, but different colors should set a tank off nice. theres so many variaties of plants it can make your head spin :). since my green plants are growing(turning nice and green too), i must be doing something right and it is time to expand.
For online plants, I've used aquariumplants.com, but I would really recommend going to Aquabid and searching for all plant auctions by Lowcoaster....his plants are great and very reasonably priced.
Another plant that might do you good is Cabomba. Mine are more yellow/bronze, with some green. The closer to the lights, it actually gets kind of a reddish top to it.
aquarious said:
i have 110w setup now on a 55 without co2, but i am in the process of putting together pressurized co2 and another 150w light. i am going to expand upon my plants but in the meantime want easier plants to take care of while i learn. thanx for the site info.

Whoa, seriously? 260 watts on a 55 gallon? Are you sure that is what you need? That is an extreme amount unless you are using T12 or Hagen lights which aren't that common among most setups.
Alshain said:
Whoa, seriously? 260 watts on a 55 gallon? Are you sure that is what you need? That is an extreme amount unless you are using T12 or Hagen lights which aren't that common among most setups.

noooo. when the new 150w is hooked up, it will be on a timer while the other lights are kicked off or removed all together(still deciding on what to do). i wouldnt run all that light at once.
The last 3 pics of mine, above, are a 55 gallon with 260watts of Power Compacts (4x 65w). If you want to bring out the red in a lot of plants that is the right light.

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