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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 29, 2012
Louisville, Ky
I just have a quick question for some of you guys or girls who have dirt tanks. In your oppinion is it worth the while to redo my substrate and do a dirted tank. Will I see maximum results with dirt instead of regular fish tank gravel? I have Java Fern a small amazon sword and a anubius of some sort. I plan to do an all out planted tank once I get established I have a 55 gallon with low lighting. Do you think I should make the switch. If so should it be sooner or later??
If you are going to go all out planted then I think it will be worth it. A dirt transition would not entry your wallet too heavily. It is just time consuming to sift through all that dirt... -.-
You should wait until you get all of your plants ready. If you setup the dirt/gravel now, when you get more plants, some dirt will get kicked up and dirty up your tank. I planted some Moneywort the other day, and i've had to vacuum the tank twice to get most of the dirt out. Regardless, the only plant you have that benefits from the dirt is the Amazon Sword, and maybe the Anubias if its large enough.
I agree, if you aren't going heavily planted then don't worry about it. If you want to benefit your current plants, just add root tabs to the rooting plants along with some column dosing with something simple like flourish comprehensive.
are we talking about about dirt as in ECO-Complete or dirt as in potting soil?? im setting up my 90g soon and it is going to be heavy planted so just wondering
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