Dirted Tank: Sand Substrate or Gravel?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 2, 2013
Should I cap it with sand or gravel?
I heard that sand prevents fish poop from getting in the dirt or whatever.
Let me know the pros/cons of each, thank you all.
uprooting plants in a dirted tank will most always release a little dirt whether it is sand or gravel, but if the dirt is waterlogged enough it shouldn't be a huge problem.
uprooting plants in a dirted tank will most always release a little dirt whether it is sand or gravel, but if the dirt is waterlogged enough it shouldn't be a huge problem.

This video shows a man uprooting a plant and I see virtually no dirt at all pop up.
(Skip to 0:51)
Dirted Aquariums, Cap it Right !!! - YouTube
In the comments he says he puts a layer of soil, then gravel, then sand. Is that effective?
I tried dirt. Messy tryin to plant after initial set up so make sure all your plants are a go. Dirt started coming through ( I used gravel cap) and plants died after about 6 months of set up. Changed it out for flouramax, which was hell because the anoxic conditions created so much hydrogen sulfide and it really stunk. The flouramax is cheap, and after, yes, many rinses, it still was cloudy, but settles out so that's not a problem. Now my tank is running very well. Soo gravel or sand? Well gravel for me was a fail because I didn't cap to well and I replanted to much. Maybe try flouramax as a cap? Sand might not cap to well but I'm not completely sure. In my opinion, dirt tanks aren't any better than eco complete or flouramax. It's just fun to try it.
I d go with sand. The gravel and/or EcoComplete will end up on top of the sand.
Eco and Floramax are the same thing,but Eco has the bacteria in it. You might have to wash the floramax a little more, but it's a better bang for your buck. It will perform the same.
I have a gravel cap. I wanted sand but I think my hubby was going to go through the roof with how much I have spent on the tank already! So I just have my original gravel. Well until he isn't looking...
I've done dirted tanks for years. My largest dirted tank right now is my 220g. If you dirt a tank properly and put a cap of at least 1-1/2 to 2 inches you have very little problems when planting or moving plants except for large deep rooted swords and crypts. Even then if moved properly and slowly the mess is limited. You let the usually small amount of dirt settle then sprinkle a small amount of your cap over it for cosmetic reasons. In my 220g I have 1-1/2 inches of Organic Potting Soil with a 2 inch cap of eco complete.

The biggest difference in using sand or gravel as your cap vs using a commercial planted substrate is that commercial plant substrates like dirt have a high CEC. CEC is cation exchange capacity which means the substrate can absorb nutrients from detris and water and hold them for later use by plants.

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