Dirty Filter Probs

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 13, 2013
Okay, so is this normal?

I feel like I just changed my cartridge 2 months or less ago. The sponge is just SOOO dirty.


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I went ahead and rinsed it out. My whole filter itself was extremely dirty also.
Yea I agree, I clean mine once a week when I do my weekly PWC and I change it out completely every month
That's completely normal. As far as filter cartridges go, the dirtier the better. You really want to keep that good bacteria that lives on it. It is still good to rinse them in tank water every once in a while to get the crud out though. Keep it until it's literally falling apart. The companies that produce filter cartridges of course are going to tell you to replace them monthly because they want to make a profit.

It's still important to clean the filter container though. You want to make sure the tubes aren't clogged and the motor can still spin smoothly.
So the two people above are saying to change it monthly, and you're saying to only change it if it's falling apart??
Everyone always says to not clean or change the filter unless its falling apart.

To clarify, clean your filter regularly in treated water. The crud that builds up is not good. It is just crud. Like the crud under gravel that doesn't get regularly vacuumed. The bacteria in the media will not be killed by rinsing crud off in treated water.
Don't throw your media (whether they be cartridges or not) away unless they are falling apart.
Clean the gunk out as needed. Only in treated water, I do mine in tank water first, then in treated water to finish cleaning.

Best advise I have received about fish keeping is to keep the filter media full of BB. Not get rid of it until it is falling apart.

Cleaning is necessary. Also though I don't use flakes anymore, as they cause a lot of ammonia, mainly due to over feeding.

I changed to use primarily Hikari foods, they are pelleted and don't break down so fast. When used as directed keep water clear!

Big partial water changes are necessary when the parameters are out of safe ranges.
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