Disappearing fish

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2005
What is weird is that my father has a 55 gallon tank. For some reason the fish are slowing disappearing. There have been no trace of any of these fish whatsoever. For example the following is a list of the fish that were in the tank (some added at different times) and the ones that have somehow disappeared:

It is a 55 gallon tank with:

- 2 pearl gouramis
- 1 powder blue dwarf gourami (disappearted)
- 2 regular dwarf gouramis (1 disappeared)
- 1 rosey red minnow
- 4 neon tetras ( 1 missing)
- 4 adult fancy guppies (2 males and 2 females, they were the first to go and went missing within the first week or two of their introduction)
- 2 black tetras
- 2 rosey barbs (young)
- 2 tiger barbs (young)

I have in some of my water changes removed all of the plants and decorations and searched underneath the gravel to see if any of these fish were hiding, but they have completly disappeared. Even if they were chopped up, it would have been almost impossible for any of them to have been sucked up by the filter. There have not been any half eaten remains of fish lying around in the tank to suggest any of the residents were eating them. If that was the cause, it would still not seem possible for even the biggest fish, a pearl gourami to fit the smallest fish a neon tetra in its mouth, to eat it whole without a trace. What is going on in this tank. There is a lid on the tank and there are no small children in the house that would take the fish out and I asked everyone in my household if they know what happened, but no one knows, so its not like someone is taking ou the fish. I find it really strange. What are the opinions of you guys.
The fish died and all the other fish ate the dead body, so thats why no corpse left.
I agree they were likely eaten after they died. But to be sure look around the floor by the tank to be sure.
I agree there are only two possibilities:

Either they got eaten up fairly quickly after they died, or they got out of the tank somehow and jumped maybe behind the stand.
I am sure they didn't jump out, cause your tank lid is very secure. As to whether they were eaten, I have had fish that eat their tankmates but you would still see a small peace or two of the remains, however, in my situation there was no evidence of that. Even if that was possible I don't know which one of my fish would be capable of doing that casue none of the eaten fish were sick and there are not any clear signs of aggression between tankmates. I looked around the floor just in case the lid was left open unsuperised and there are no signs of fish.
Unless you didn't suck them up making water changes, or you have a cat or something they must have been eaten them. They don't neccessarily have to show signs of illness before they die.
Maybe you have an evil roommate that likes to steal your fish at night just to get sick pleasure watching you scratch your head every morning in confusion. Just kidding.....I'm sure they are passing on and being munched on.
Sure, why not. I still don't see how it is possible to eat those fish, then leave no trace but sure why not, I guess I'll just give in. The only thing is that I would not know who the killer fish is.
Do you have any ornaments which they could possibly get trapped in?

Do you keep a lid on your tank?

If whatever is cleaning out your tank is an outside predator, do you think piranahs might solve the problem?
No, I don't think that ornaments are the problem, the ornaments in that tank are mostly rocks and plants and looks safe.

I do have secure lid for the tank.

I don't quite understand what you are asking in your last question.
I believe it was meant as a joke, if it were a cat for example or a person taking the fish, piranha would definately put a stop to it.

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