DISASTER!! Tank on recovery mode.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 6, 2013
San Francisco Bay Area
Well, I left my apartment for vacation for about a month and a half. My neighbor agreed to take care of the tank for me. Oh boy, I was so wrong on that front.:(

This is what my tank look like before I left.




To save you guys the horror, I did'nt take the picture when I first see my tank after my vacation. Well, taking pictures was the last thing on my mind when I see how bad it was. All kinds algae every where, dead shrimp and snails floating and scattered on the floor. Unclean glass, the entire HC carpet rotted away, same with most of my plants. The water was half empty. Surprisingly, all my 3 fishies survived the entire ordeal somehow.

This is what it look like now. After I've done the best I can to fix the situation. LOTS of clean up. New rock, carpet plant(Marsilea) and new snails.




Hopefully, I will be able to revive my poor, poor tank back to it's former glory.:facepalm:
Your tank in the first pic was beautiful. I love the carpet plant. Where do you find it? I go to the local pet store (petco) but I don't remember seeing it. Can it be put in a tank with gravel?
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