discus questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 2, 2005
hi i have a 55g tank with 12 neons,3 zebra danios, and 5 corys. would a discus be compatible with the tank i have so far? is it ok to keep only 1 discus? what kind of discus would be most attractive for this tank? thanks!
Discus do better in a tank that is designed around them and then, possibly a couple of dither fish, if at all. Discus require a lot of maintenance is well. Your current tank would not be an ideal environment.
I must agree with Jchillin. I started a discus tank and it is a discus only tank, with the exception of some cory cats and 2 albino BN pleco babies for bottom clean up. They require higher temps than most fish are comfortable with. When I first started with discus I wanted to put other fish in with them but soon realized with some research this would not be the best for the discus. They are a sensitive fish, and don't do well with stress and water parameter fluctuations. But you could always get another tank and start with discus after it was cycled. MTS can be a wonderful thing.
I have discus with other fish.... They seem to be fine. theyre in a 4ft by 2ft high tank.300litres. there are 9 discus(5 juvenile), 10 cardinal tetras, 8 blackwidow tetras, 5 mollies, 4 borneo suckers, 1 clown plecostomus 4 1\2 in, 1 ghost knife 9in, 1 pictus catfish 4in.... In my 2x2x2 200liter tank i had 2 juvenile discus, 1 10in ghosht knife, 3 blue rams, 2 gold rams, 10 black widows, 15 columbian tetras, 2in gold spotted pleco, 4 1\2in bristle nose. So yeah it can be done. I keep the tank at 29C. Both are reasonably planted with anubius and thin val. I have good fitration on both, and do PWC every 2-3 weeks.
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