Disolving Filter Pads!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 5, 2008
I have a Penguin HOB filter which uses the B size filter pads...these are blue filter floss adhered to a plastic cartridge filled with activated carbon.
Ive noticed that for that past two months the blue floss has been either disolving or getting very fragile and tearing off easily. This never happened before and all thats changed is my water quality..I moved and my tap water is just a bit harder than what ive had before. all other parameters are the same.

Im using 2 cartriges at a time in my filter and I cahnge one every two weeks Im wondering if they haved changed the materials they use or if its my water or what that is causing this
Although I don't use the factory filter pads any longer. I have never had this happen. I would not suspect your water I would suspect that either it is a bad batch or that they have changed the materials.
I have one of these in a smaller SW tank and have never had that happen before. It must be a factory defect.
thanks for the insight thats what i suspected....what filter media do you use zags..
I was thinkng of just putting in a sponge and some ceramic "combos" in there
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