Distilled water? or not?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 18, 2003
Iwas recently getting distilled water when changing out some water, but appearntly this has some downsides...making the water soft. Is there any sort of water I should use instead that I could buy at a grocery store?
I use RO (reverse osmosis) water in my tanks. I get it at my grocery store. There's an RO machine by the pop aisle. It's 39 cents a gallon if you bring your own container. I bought the containers the first time, for 79 cents each, but if you bring them back for a refill, then the price is 39 cents. All the bottled water brands are more expensive than this!

I measure the pH of my tap water before a water change. If my tap pH is 8, then I mix 6 cups RO water to 10 cups of tap water. I mix the waters up in an empty bottled water gallon jug. There are 16 cups in a gallon. If my tap is 8.2, then I mix up 8 cups RO water to 8 cups tap water. The pH ends up at 7.2.
Distilled water is not good for a tank... you can use the suggestion above as probably the cheapest way to buy water at the store... i think basically any drinking water will do the trick tho...
I use ro water, and then add salts to it to correct the pH and Hardness. There are ready made salts available (ro right and such) but I just make my own mix.
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