dither fish

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christine2012 said:
How do you all feel about them? Danios with Africans for example.

I've done it, and for me it worked. I used 6 giant Danios and it helped confuse and keep them busy and away from the ones that were being picked on. They lasted along time. I re homed 4 the other 2 didn't make it.
You shouldn't really need them in a African tank. I have had south American and African cichlids. The Africans are busy enough sifting sand and chilling that dithers would just annoy them. There are a few aggressive male in my tank but no one gets the brunt of the aggression.

As for south American I had 2 JDs and giant danios where great in the 55g I had them in. The JDs would get bored and chase them and only fought once a week or less. Let me add both JDs would young less than 4in and one was male other female.
I mainly ask because I want to add some more Africans but they are on the small side up here at petsmart (my ONLY option ). I don't have a mom n pop shop. Also don't have a grow out tank. So I was exploring my options. Actually just added some afras, 6 giant danios and a johanni (I know I'm asking for it) and my auratus seems to have taken little johanni under his or her fin.
Even though your Africans are larger than the ones you will be getting it shouldn't be that big a deal as long as your tank is big enough. I have 3 generations of Africans in my tank the oldest around 4-5in and the youngest just fry. The middle gen is about an inch and the adults don't bother them.

Just keep them well feed and water changed and they will grow out quickly.
For me I tried all that and dither fish were the answer. Maybe my Africans are more aggressive then most people? I dunno but those who know my tank and it's misfits who swim in it know that there killers! If put ANYTHING in that tank now it's doomed! If I'm gonna add a fish I have to add dither fish with that fish or add 6-8 Africans at one time or even rearrange the decor. They ALL have there spots and zones in my tank anyway (75g) and if you trespass your dead!! Plain and simple. And I have plenty of hiding spaces and it doesn't matter.



Convict, your tank is so serene. Beautiful set up. Well my dithers didn't work out. All together there were 11 and I am down to one this morning. Lol!
Well my dithers didn't work out. All together there were 11 and I am down to one this morning. Lol!

Sorry to hear about the loss of your dither fish. I added 3 giant danios and 3 black ruby barbs a few months ago to decrease aggression in my tank and they worked out great.

11 fish sounds like a lot to add in one shot. If you try to add some dither fish again I think you should add 3-4 at a time and do it during a water change when your fish are confused as to what's happening. Also make sure your Africans are well fed so that they don't think the new dithers are a treat. :(

Which brings me to my next question. Do you feed your Africans live feeder fish? I have read that feeding your Cichlids live feeder fish can make them highly aggressive especially towards any new tank mates.
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Convict, your tank is so serene. Beautiful set up. Well my dithers didn't work out. All together there were 11 and I am down to one this morning. Lol!

Did you try giant danios or just regular ones? The giants may work since they are very quick but if you used plain danios then those are just bait.
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That's what I used and it worked 5-6 giant danios should do the trick. Like I said prior they are real quick and they really seem to distract the Cichlids. I'd give them a try If you really need to add dither fish they work great.

I think that's what you used right?
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