Diverse Tank?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 16, 2012
So this may seem like a stupid question. But what I am doing at the moment is converting my community tank to a cichlid tank. I have two large sailfin mollies that are about 4" two Dianos 1" and four juvenile cichlids 3 blue dolphins and one yellow lab less then 1". My other fish are much much larger then my cichlids and they all seem very peaceful with each other but what I am wondering is when my cichlids get bigger then the others will they start being aggressive?
I would be very worried about what the cichlids are going to do to them. The mollies and danios are going to end up as food or play things once the cichlids reach maturity. I hope this is a large tank because the dolphins get rather large.
I would be very worried about what the cichlids are going to do to them. The mollies and danios are going to end up as food or play things once the cichlids reach maturity. I hope this is a large tank because the dolphins get rather large.


The only cichlids I would put in a community might be Rams.
It's a 65gal and I will remove them once I see that they are being bullies
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